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Why Thesis Has Sold Over One Million Boxes of Clarity—and Counting

Are you ready to enhance mental performance and overall cognitive health without stimulants?

Most supplements on the market take shortcuts, lacking high-quality ingredients and adequate testing. Most don’t even use the dosages of active ingredients required to be effective. At Thesis, we formulate our blends with the same ingredient dosage used in clinical studies and we third-party test every ingredient, in every batch, for purity and potency. 


It’s no surprise that Thesis’ brain-boosting supplements have over 5,000 five-star reviews


In a world where we’re constantly inundated with stressors—from factors like work, poor sleep, caregiving, or environmental pollution—it can feel hard to focus, find balance, and show up as the best version of ourselves.


That’s where Clarity comes in. With pure, potent and proven ingredients like Lion’s Mane mushroom, Alpha-GPC, epicatechin, and 7,8 Dihydroxyflavone, Clarity supports cognitive function (helping with memory and learning new skills) and protects against neurological decline. 


Clarity's the innovative, science-backed formula to kickstart your journey to a healthier brain. 


Here’s 11 reasons you should give Clarity, our best-selling blend a try:

1. Clarity actually works.

It’s no surprise why Clarity is one of our best-selling formulas: In a product testing study with 8,845 users, 83.6% of people reported a positive improvement from Clarity and many reported feeling energized and focused.

“I have a line of defense in Thesis to think more clearly, stay motivated, and have energy and confidence," said customer Laurie H. Our research and development loops, including feedback from half a million users, help us increase the efficacy of our blends and lead us to new ones.

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2. Clarity fosters neurogenesis, a Nobel Prize-winning discovery.

For a long time, the loss of neurons was thought to be irreversible in the adult human brain and a leading cause of neurological disease and impairment. Fortunately, in 1986, the Nobel Prize was awarded to Stanley Cohen and Rita Levi-Montalcini for their discovery of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and how it promotes neurogenesis, meaning adults can form new brain cells, too (not just kids).

Lion’s mane, a mushroom within Clarity, increases NGF, which promotes neurogenesis through changes in cell survival. Your path to a healthier brain starts with Clarity.

3. Clarity supports brain health - now and in the future.

Clarity enhances your brain health immediately and for the long haul. Clarity contains ingredients that promote the growth of new neurons and synaptic connections, making its effects stronger the longer you take it. And the best part? These benefits of increased brain plasticity and cell growth persist, even after you stop taking Clarity.

4. Clarity is a neuroprotective.

Your brain takes a lot of hits throughout the day—be it from social media, poor sleep, or environmental pollution. This can lead to oxidative stress, an imbalance of antioxidants and harmful molecules called free radicals, and put you at risk for brain degradation.

(Think of oxidative stress like rust building up on a car, eventually causing it to break down.)

To help prevent oxidative stress and brain degradation, Clarity includes neuroprotective ingredients, like Alpha-GPC, epicatechin, and 7,8 Dihydroxyflavone. 7,8 Dihydroxyflavone is a rare plant-derived flavonoid that supports brain cell growth and the formation of new neural connections.

5. Clarity promotes neuroplasticity, the formation of new synaptic connections.

Clarity enhances neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to rewire and form new connections—at any age. Ingredients like Lion’s Mane and 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone make your brain more adaptable, which in turn makes it easier to learn new skills, like a language or instrument. A more plastic brain is resilient and capable, helping you overcome challenges and continue evolving.

6. Clarity facilitates a flow state.

You know the feeling when you’re totally and completely in the zone—deeply immersed in an activity and experiencing upleveled focus, energy, and enjoyment? Well, Clarity helps you enter that flow state on the regular, leading to more productivity and success in personal or professional pursuits.

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7. Clarity provides smooth, steady energy. 

Unlike traditional stimulants that cause crashes and jitters from excessive dopamine (a hormone and neurotransmitter that affects emotions, behavior, and movement), Clarity delivers smooth, consistent energy and focus all day.

L-Theanine, an amino acid found within our blends, boosts the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and GABA; in turn, you’ll experience a supported mood, enhanced motivation, and sustained energy levels. 

8. Clarity contains clinically studied dosages of active ingredients.

Clarity, alongside every other Thesis blend, is backed by dozens of clinical trials. We formulate our blends with the same ingredient dosage used in clinical studies with demonstrated results.

Many supplement brands contain powerful ingredients… but not in the right quality or quantity to deliver results. Over 5,000+ hours of research have gone into our blends to ensure their efficacy.

9. Clarity contains epicatechin, an antioxidant powerhouse.

Epicatechin is a natural compound derived from tea leaves, a.k.a. “flavonoid” in scientific terms. It’s sought after for its ability to fight free radicals and neutralize oxidative damage, protecting against neurological decline.

In Clarity, epicatechin is standardized to the 90%, ensuring a consistently potent and effective supplement.

10. Clarity helps with memory and learning new skills thanks to Alpha-GPC.

If you’re trying to learn a new skill, this is the supplement for you. Clarity contains Alpha-GPC in clinically studied dosages, where it’s been proven to support healthy cognitive function and physical performance.

Alpha-GPC is used in the brain to make acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter primarily associated with learning and memory.

11. Clarity features Lion’s Mane, a brain-boosting mushroom.

Studies have shown that Lion's Mane may increase levels of BDNF—supporting neuroplasticity and memory, enhancing brain flexibility and growth, and helping maintain cognitive performance

While you may see Lion’s Mane in other supplements on the market, many brands only standardize it at 1-3 percent. In Clarity, we standardize Lion’s Mane to a minimum of 12 percent. That’s four times the industry average.


Why Over 500,000 People Choose Thesis' Clarity

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional.
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